Federica Gazzelloni is a Statistician and an Actuary with expertise in data visualization, data analysis, and modeling. She is a collaborator with IHME for the GBD studies and a volunteer for COVID19 research. Federica is also a mentor for the R4DS Online Learning Community, where she helps people improve their data science skills using R. She is an event organizer for R-Ladies Rome and R-Ladies D.C., local chapters of R-Ladies Global, an organization that promotes gender diversity in the R community worldwide. Federica has completed several courses and certifications in statistics, data analysis, and machine learning. She is skilled in modeling, RStudio, R Shiny, data visualization, data analysis, public relations, actuarial science, life sciences, and statistics.

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Posted on:
January 1, 0001
1 minute read, 118 words
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